Hot seasons and “bikini” mission


Hot seasons and “bikini” mission

dieta en verano

It is well known that there are as many diets as there are industries.

And it tends to be the hot topic when the good weather starts, driven by the desire to look good before the dreaded change of wardrobe. Social networks bombard us with stereotypes of apparently healthy, flexible and muscular bodies and gastronomic trends are constantly introducing “diet”, “light” foods, or ways of eating that exclude essential nutrients for the organism such as slow-absorption carbohydrates or that propose notorious amounts of unsaturated fats, thus producing serious health imbalances in the long run, as well as nutritional and energy deficiencies.

Have we become shallow or are we really beginning to understand the connection between an ideal (not slim) weight and the body-mind-emotions balance?

It is a fact that we live impacted by the fortunes that the food industry invests in marketing campaigns of products that are not satisfied with covering the basic needs of the body, but that, aware of the effect that food has on our senses, compete to hook us with flavours and experiences beyond the physical.

And as we have less and less time to plan meals, it is the more practical trends and the more immersive fashions that are the most successful when it comes to choosing how we eat.

Along the same lines, where there is a preference for the consumption of food that requires less elaboration, there is a tendency to eat a single dish, or in any case, less structured meals. As a consequence, there is an abundance of devitalised foods, of low nutritional quality, poor absorption and extreme energetic effects that demineralise the organism, acidify the blood and unbalance the mood.

But at the same time, we are becoming convinced that illness is not just a matter of destiny or genetics, but generally the result of the life choices we make, fortunately helping us to value quality in our food choices and increasing the consumption of diet products, fortified products, nutrient concentrates, etc. 

Now, do we really know to what extent we are affected by the way we eat?

The reality is that this is an unfinished business in our lifelong education.

And when it comes to regaining our ideal weight, we need to remember that our weight is not just about food and calorie intake.

We must remember that the factors that contribute to balancing the metabolism, and therefore a person’s weight, are diverse, and that is why food should not only nourish, but also activate the digestive, circulatory and hormonal systems, as well as contributing to good cellular repair during the hours of rest and maintaining an optimal state of mind and vitality.

There are people who eat a considerable amount of food throughout the day and do not put on weight because they have an active and efficient metabolism; or the opposite case, people who, due to a weak digestive system, consume little food, but feel constant retention and their metabolism does not allow them to eliminate the residues of the food they eat.

The real desire to take care of oneself and lead a healthy lifestyle comes from a very personal, deep and positive motivation. And not from the threat of being overweight or the fear of illness, which is often why people go on diets. Proof of this are the advertising campaigns against smoking or traffic accidents, they warn of the worst because they know that the brain has a natural tendency to retain much more negative impacts. 

However, what really makes us change our habits in a sustainable way is to have positive stimuli, to surround ourselves with stimulating people, to set short and realistic goals that fill the engine of illusion with energy.

It is that state of excitement in which the mind is seen when it achieves something good, which induces to improve habits, and to have a sense of control; there is no greater pleasure in life than the absence of discomfort, nor better food than that which nourishes body, mind and heart.

Purifying with the aim of losing weight does not have to mean going hungry.

To purify is equivalent to dissipate, to disintegrate, to open up, from an energetic point of view.

That is why, before seeking the right advice for a weight loss plan, we should get some prior reflections such as:

-Which body do I need to depurate – physical, mental or emotional?

-What do I need to purge and unblock it from?

-In what ways have I created excess?

-What is my relationship with food? Does it serve as a cover for other conflicts?

-As in stress, without awareness of it?

Once the origin of the overweight has been identified, only an in-depth and personalised study by a health professional can provide the right nutritional programme to successfully meet the objectives of each person. 

No two bodies are the same all over the world, therefore, the “diet” should not be identical for large groups, as is often advertised. However, we do have some proven and useful information that can help most people get started on a conscious and sustained effort to cleanse the body:

-Prolonged fasting is not the best option for everyone, as it can stagnate the metabolism and weaken the energy level, leading to more anxiety in the medium term. However, getting into the habit of having an early dinner and not eating again until the next morning is a proven fact that allows for more efficient repair of the nervous and digestive systems in the evening. 

-Include in spring menus those seasonal vegetables with the greatest cleansing effect, allowing you to eat delicious food while cleansing: celery, cucumber, endive, spinach, rocket, radishes, fennel, garlic, dandelion, mushrooms, etc.

-Eating more vegetable protein and reducing animal protein helps the body to purify itself more quickly.

-Replacing refined flours with a daily ration of brown rice, quinoa, barley, buckwheat or oatmeal activates the digestive fire, providing the source of glycogen that our muscles and brain need to function at full capacity for many hours.

-Use good unsaturated fats in moderation, they provide a vital source of energy as well as great hormonal and neural benefits.

-Get active, move, walk, dance, swim… anything to mobilise body and mind! 

-Pamper yourself and get plenty of sleep… it helps to regain a state of control with food.

We’re already seeing that ideal (but not slim) weight is not just about food and calorie intake. It is much more than a fashion, a stereotype or a swimming costume. It is a state of balance that ensures a state of general health, makes us happier, prevents illness and makes us enjoy the pleasure of eating with a different awareness.

María Kindelán

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