08 Jul Recovering the energy
The pandemic has disrupted all plans, including this blog.
Our intention was to publish at a good pace, at least one article a month, but the pandemic, and its consequences, has completely overwhelmed us. So, first of all, we would like to apologise for not being able to publish frequently.
Now we are back to work on this blog, with all our energy and that of the people who have joined the team during this time, which you can see in our https://benefitbrokers.es/quienes-somos/ section. We will also collaborate with them in this blog, in order to address different topics. But today we want to talk specifically about the latest addition to the team. She is María Kindelán, the most accredited naturopath of today, author of the best seller “Eat to eat the world” has joined Benefit Brokers as associate director of the physical and emotional wellbeing area.
From her own experience as a former multinational executive, Maria is well aware of the exhausting and strenuous work rhythms we live in, so, in a moment of inspiration, she decided to explore how nutrition can enhance our vital energy, making us feel ready to eat the world. This new concept defined as “energetic nutrition” is what Maria brings in a personalised way in her private practice and, through coaching and specific programmes, to the most important companies in the country. It is a real pleasure to listen to her and to see how her teachings turn into a real benefit for the health and well-being of employees. Changing apathy and listlessness for optimism and passion is the transfer of knowledge that Maria leaves us as a fundamental value for any company.
From here we promise that, in a short time, Maria will leave us her first article for this blog. We await it with the same energy that she transmits, which, believe us, is a lot.
Carlos Domínguez and Federico Vizcayno of Barutell
Managing partners
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