The pull needed to achieve the objectives


The pull needed to achieve the objectives

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Life has never been easy, nor will it ever be, but if we prepare ourselves to face any circumstance with our batteries charged, it will be easier to deal with it. As well as giving you the ability to fight for your goals, to have drive and energy and most importantly, to enjoy yourself. To feel that you are living, not just surviving.

And the way we eat has a lot to say about that.

We have changed society, but not biology, and the body still has the same instructions, no matter how much we try to ignore them. However, our overall balance depends on a range of lifestyle habits beyond healthy eating.

It all starts with good motivation.

By this I don’t mean the classic motivations of a diet or lifestyle change, be it to fit into a smaller size, to climb stairs effortlessly or to look more attractive. We know all too well that short-term goals often lead to strategies that are impossible to sustain over time.

Identifying the deeper motivations for taking care of oneself is what really keeps motivation, confidence and determination high in everyday decision making.

Training willpower.

Change requires conviction, taking responsibility for change. Instead of wasting time fighting an internal battle to decide whether to change some habits or not, take it for granted that you have already started to train it, moving towards a small change every two or three days, short and achievable goals. As if it were a puzzle and every day you add one more piece. You don’t want to do it all at once.

Traditional Chinese Medicine relates willpower to the state of the kidneys, according to which the kidneys provide us with the physical energy to undertake new adventures and the will to carry them out, but they also provide us with the much more powerful energy that comes from our inner connection. The kidneys are the house of purpose, and those who have a good reserve of essence achieve their purpose for the day. We can strengthen them with gentle exercises for the lower back that protects them, keep them warm and choose energetic foods such as buckwheat and good spoon meals.

Regulation of intestinal transit.

As a biological rule, everything that is ingested must be eliminated, and educating the bowel to evacuate daily and at the same time each day is the best way to ensure well-being.

In addition to dietary guidelines adapted by a professional nutritionist, in which foods rich in probiotics and natural prebiotics predominate, it has been shown that physical activity, rest, stress management and self-massage of the stomach area every night have a positive influence on the way the bowel is regulated. Including flaxseed or linseed oil in the evening meal, as well as cooked green leafy vegetables, is a good habit for those who are starting to educate the gut.

It is essential to strengthen the intestinal flora with the right foods and avoid those that damage it, such as alcohol, excessive fats, sugars, and refined flours.

Activate body and head without sparing a single day.

Not a single day should go by in our lives without having done some kind of physical activity, however simple it may be, and not only because of all the benefits it brings (calorie expenditure, activating circulation, oxygenation, eliminating toxins, strengthening defences, clearing the mind, generating endorphins, moving the intestines and avoiding contractures), but also so that the cells of our body talk to each other and energy does not stagnate.

It is known that we release endorphins up to hours after having done some exercise, they are the famous hormones of happiness and well-being. They have been shown to produce effects at the cellular and molecular level of the central nervous system, allowing more efficient and rapid communication between different areas of the brain. They are also the precursors of the generation of new neurons in the hippocampus, the area of the brain associated with learning and memory.

Repairing through sleep and relaxation.

Let’s not lie to ourselves, what we need after a full day of activity is sleep.

Sleep is not only an act of relaxation and rest, deep sleep regenerates our cells, repairs structures, organs, skin and cleanses the digestive system. Sleep is healing. It makes sense that the decisions you make after 7 p.m. should contribute to the gradual relaxation of the body to help it gradually enter the state of sleep it needs to reach: relaxation exercises, a warm bath or shower, soft massages, slow music, quiet conversations and early dinners based on soft foods and cooking systems that relax the nervous system.

Incorporating small efforts into our daily lives is an art and is undoubtedly what makes a change of habits effective and makes the difference between surviving or living with health, balance and energy.

If you want us to help your team to adopt these habits in your company or you are interested in applying them in your personal life, do not hesitate to contact me for a chat.

María Kindelán

Associate Director Physical and Emotional Wellness

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